Savings Products
Our curriculum is full of savings and investment products to help you earn the most from your money. Our rates offer exceptional returns, letting you rest easy knowing your funds are working for you.
Share Savings
When you become a member of Norwin Teachers FCU, you open a Share Savings account first, allowing you to access all the other great savings and loan options we offer. Regular membership (over 18 years old) requires a one-time $25.00 deposit to a share account. Student and Children accounts (under 18 years old) require a $5.00 deposit to a share account.
An Individual Retirement Account sets you up for your future. Norwin Teachers FCU offers Traditional, Roth and Coverdell Education Savings Account IRA options. Make an appointment find the right retirement account for you. All IRAs require a $50.00 minimum deposit.
Appointments are required for all IRA transactions.
IRA Withholding Notice
Payments from your IRA are subject to federal income tax withholding, unless you elect no withholding. You may change your withholding election at any time prior to your receipt of a payment. Your withholding election does not affect the amount of income tax you pay. You may incur penalties under the estimated tax rules if your withholding and estimated tax payments are insufficient. You may be required to pay estimated taxes even if you elect withholding.
Share Certificates
We offer share certificates from 6 to 36 months at rates to help maximize your savings. All Share Certificates require a $500.00 minimum deposit.
Dividends on share certificates is compounded quarterly on all terms 1 year or more. For terms under one year, dividends are paid at maturity.
Early withdrawal penalties apply. Calculations of penalties differ by term. Please call the credit union for specific details.
Club Accounts
Whether you’re saving for the holidays or for a special occasion, a club account lets you set aside money throughout the year. Club funds are transferred automatically to your share account on the first Friday of October. There is a $10.00 early withdrawal penalty.
Safe Deposit Boxes
Norwin Teachers FCU offers Safe Deposit Boxes for rent to keep your valuables safe and sound.