
Type Fee
Account Maintenance Fee No Charge
NSF Fee/Preauthorized EFT Fee $30.00/Item
Overdraft Protection No Charge
Return Item Fee $15.00/Item
Stop Payment Fee $15.00/Request
Share Draft Printing / Research Fee Prices may vary
Mailed/Faxed Copy of Paid Draft Fee $ 5.00/Copy
Debit Card Withdrawals (6/Month) No Charge**
Debit Card Withdrawals
Excess of 6/Month (Including POS Cash Back Transactions)
Debit Card Withdrawals Denials $0.50/Denial
POS Transactions No Charge
Debit Card Replacement $ 5.00/Card
Debit Cards in excess of 2 $ 15.00/Card
Debit Card Documentation Fee $10.00/Item
Debit Card Recovery Fee $65.00
Debit Card Annual Fee No Charge
Share Account Transfers in excess of 6 per month $1.00/Transfer
Statement Copy Fee No Charge
Deposited Item Return Fee $15.00/Item
Domestic Wire Transfer Fee (Incoming/Outgoing) $20.00/Transfer
International Wire Transfer Fee $50.00/Transfer
Money Orders $ 1.00/$1000.00 Increments
Stop Payment for Money Orders $20.00 each
Garnishments/Writ $25.00 minimum per case or bank’s actual attorney’s fees plus $10.00 service charge.
Levy Processing $20.00
Christmas Club Account Early Withdrawal $10.00
Visa Gift Card Fee $ 3.00 per card

**When using an ATM operated by a financial institution other than an approved Credit Union ATM machine, you may be charged an additional fee by that institution.  This surcharge is not imposed by Norwin Teachers Federal Credit Union, and we have no control over such fees.  

***Fees subject to change upon 30 day advance written notice.